Wednesday, July 18, 2012

[Brainwaste] When I feel blue...

So when I feel blue...
Will the rain stop and kiss the wind?
Will they embrace me in toxic dream?

So when I feel blue...
I walk upon Your footprint
Surrender my heart to the lucid path
I knew You were there... Somehow somewhere

So when I feel blue...
My naked hands are raised
About Your existence, I bow
I can hear the universe is pausing
And billion people's voice sounding, Your name

And mine was the loudest. In my ears.

So when I feel blue...
I won't go nowhere far from You
I won't be anything worse than I am
Be whom the wind minds to blow
And the rain minds to pour down

I feel blue...
For not being (so) close with You
And for that, forgive me...



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