Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Video] Vlog [In memory of my belated mom] + Hijab tutorial

Salam 'alaikum all,

Finally I come up with another hijab tutorial video. Sorry if I talk too much in this video. I just wanna share how I feel after my mom died. This video is dedicated for my lovely mom who's now in heaven inshallah...
Everything from Him, will go back to Him

Thank you, Mother. Thank you for EVERYTHING that you've given to me. Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa'afiha wa'fuanha... Till we meet again there :')

Meanwhile enjoy the tutorial girls & I hope you'll like it ^^

Happy practicing


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[Looxtag] Fashion & Beauty Products I Avoid

Salam 'alaikum ladies,

I just read Looxperiment blogspot & found out about this fun looxtag about fashion & beauty products I avoid. Well, allow me to share about any fashion & beauty products that I prolly won't even touch it for the rest of my life. Or maybe, I will occasionally [heheh...]

Here they are:

1. Contact lens

Don't get me wrong. I have loved wearing contact lenses since forever. But - like most people might have the same bad experience - these things gave bad effect on my eyes. I dunno prolly because I am not so tidy as a person or maybe because I degraded my eyes by buying the contact lenses that were below standard. Well, in short, these things got my eyes irritated. I don't wanna play when it comes to an eye. I'd better play safe & just wear glasses.

2. Bright-colored floral pattern pashmina / scarves

I am a girl who likes bold colors rather than dusty / baby / sweet colors. So these kinds of pattern are definitely out of my list. I feel like an overexposed granny in the downtown if I wear any bright-colored floral pattern pashmina. No offense ya floral-pattern lovers, but that's just my opinion :D

3. Latex jacket / leggings

I have mom arms & even more mom [if that's even a word] thighs. No further explanation.

4. Any beige-colored foundation & two-way cake

For the love of the God, don't ever force me to apply anything beige on my face, like... EVER! That color is the weirdest color I've ever seen people put on their faces. I put a beige foundation on my face once long time ago when I was still a makeup newbie. The result? I felt like someone has thrown mud on my face or I have had plastic surgery for several times. No lebay, that was what I feel at that time. So no more beige, thank you.

5. Chocolate eyebrow pencil

My colleague friend did a make over to my face yesterday. She asked whether I wanna brush my eyebrows with brown / black eyebrow pencil. I never applied brown eyebrow pencil on my eyebrows. I was being curious yesterday so I chose brown pencil. So this is the result

The make up? LOVE! The eyebrows? BLAH!

Really, I felt so not confident with brown eyebrows. I am an Asian girl, not the descendant of the Aryans. You know, white skin, blue eyes, blonde / brunette hair. And I never intended to look like one :p Really, black eyebrow pencil is enough for me, thank you

Gini aja deh yaa alis guee :p

6. Long nails

Aaaaakkk!! No no no... Not these nails [ampun maleeeh!]

 Nah, ini maksud gue [hadeeeh...] 

No. It's not that I don't like nail art. I love it. In fact, I often got my nails done with cute nail art only without the long nails. As you might have known that I am a mother of an active super fun son named Rayyan. Unless I am willing to see my son is emotionally closer to his nanny than to me, I might let him playing with his nanny all day long just to keep my nails perfect. But no, heck no! I'd rather have short clean pinkish nails than the vice versa. I love my son & all motherhood duties that require short tidy nails :)

And the last but not least,

7. Net cardigans

Bless my weird taste over fashion. Most women would die to have this cardigans, just perhaps. But I would die to rip 'em & burn them to ashes. I say you might wanna try two-piece bikini rather than this crap. And yes please, no need to remind me of Agnes Monica & Trio Macan.


Well, those stuffs are things that I avoid wearing & applying, at least those are what I could think of for now. Might be some more but I keep thinking about delicious ta'jil I will have in couple minutes now rather than thinking of fashion / beauty products, hehehe...

Enjoy reading & please do not take any of this seriously, because it comes from me, my personal taste :P


Monday, October 22, 2012

[Event] Soulfly Jakarta Concert! [102212]

Salam 'alaikum all,

Finally, after 5 years waiting... UNEARTH was heere! Iyah, gue tau mereka cuma jadi band pembuka. But what the hell? Overall menurut gue performance Unearth & sound nya msh lebih baik dari Soulfly. Walau gw tetep jejeritan liat Max Cavalera. I watched a legend who has the book in which my pictures are in it. How cool is that? Aaaakkk!! Last night was oohh-some! *eargasm*



Friday, October 19, 2012

[Link] Al-Barakah Jumu'ah

Salam 'alaikum silent & loud readers :)

Selamat hari Jum'aaat... Selamat shalat Jum'at buat para laki-laki muslim [Kalian LAKI banget kalo pergi Jum'atan dengan baju koko & khusyu dalam shalat dan do'anya. Asli, macho dah! hehehe]. Jangan sia-siakan hari berkah ini ya.

Gue mau share link yang keren pake banget. Blog-nya Ust. Herry Nurdi. Emang gue salah satu penggemar tausyiah2 beliau. Soalnya menurut gue, cara beliau bertausyiah itu "masuk" banget ke otak anak-anak muda jaman sekarang. Penyampaiannya ngga boring, diselingi humor tapi gong nya dapet. Tetep berisi.

Nah, bagi yang belom pernah denger tausyiahnya beliau [kesiaan deh lu *ngibrit*] nih eyke kasih link blog nya >> http://herrynurdi.com/ . Hari ini blog ini sukses buat gue berlinangan air mata [walau amazingly gue tetep terlihat kece biar lagi mewek juga *plethak*] pas baca yang judulnya "Rindu Kami pada Rasulullah". Merasa sombong dan lalai, kepengen banget bisa bertemu Rasulullah pada akhirnya di akhirat nanti, tapi langsung berasa selama ini gue lebih sering memikirkan hal-hal lain yang bersifat duniawi ketimbang inget kekasih Allah itu. Haduuuh... Tobat Wed, tobat *nangis kayang*

Jadiii singkat ceritaaa.... Eh, kenapa Iwed ngeblog pake mother tongue? Tumben sekaleee?

Ya biarin sih, suka-suka gue. Trus gue harus ketok pintu kamar loe sambil bilang "Wow!" gituh?

Jum'aaat Jum'aat... hari baiik. Ngga boleh maraaah, hehehehe...


Ya sudahlah, gitu aja. Udah adzan. Gih pada Jum'atan dulu. Setelah itu selamat membaca. Semoga tulisan2 beliau memiliki efek "nampar" ke temen2 yang tidak sekeras efeknya ke gue. Itu artinya kalian lebih baik dalam memikirkan akhirat ketimbang dunia. And I will envy you for that ^^

Have a nice day all... Barakallah for this kind Jumu'ah!


Monday, October 15, 2012

[Movement] @MariBerhijab 's second meeting

Salam 'alaikum all,

Fiuhh, it's about time I have to come back to write a journal again since my mom passed away. I didn't have any gut / motivation to write or record any video for my Youtube channel. I grieved too deep. Who doesn't think that it's the end of the world when your mom slip away from your world forever? I had to remind myself that Allah doesn't like to see His people get stuck with their grief & the downfall and stuff like that as if they don't have any grip to get on their feet again & move on.

I have Allah, and so I can be strong, even stronger than I could imagine. Alhamdulillah... I'm moving on now. I know my mom never left me alone. She's with me. She is me. She is :)

Anyway, for a starter to keep myself busy (and useful for others), I and some of my sisters in @MariBerhijab movement held a second meeting on Saturday, Oct 13 2012 at my office. We were planning on our short-term events & activities. Came up with several points of what-to-dos, had a nice funny chitchat & ended up praying Dzuhur then having lunch together at Solaria, Plaza Festival. It was quite a productive day, that day :)

I hope @MariBerhijab movement can be one tiny inspirational thing out from other bigger inspirational things to move many muslimah's hearts to chase for their hidayah and start wearing hijab for their own good. In Islam, it's not just about making friends with good people, but also reaching the arms of other good people who still can't find the goodness in their own selves. That's why we're here, to help Muslimah in finding their goodness.

Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat ada kiblatnya (sendiri) yang ia menghadap kepadanya. Maka berlomba-lombalah (dalam membuat) kebaikan. Di mana saja kamu berada pasti Allah akan mengumpulkan kamu sekalian (pada hari kiamat). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.[QS. 2:148]

 For those who wanna know more about our movement, kindly follow our Twitter @MariBerhijab, like our fan page and our Wordpress blog. Or if you wanna ask anything to us, kindly email us at mariberhijab@gmail.com.

Women are noble people in Islam. Let's not degrading that value. Respect ourselves. Cover ourselves. See ya in our upcoming events, girls. Keep yourself updated ^^
