Don't be mad when I call you 'bigots', because that word didn't come from me. JIL activists were the first to call us - the anti-JILers with the word 'bigot', for they think it's the best word to represent us who disagree with their liberal thoughts who relates it to Islam. Ever since, we - who are joined together in the #IndonesiaTanpaJIL movement - are called bigots by them. It pictures nothing but to explain the real IQ of those JIL activists. Next to none, perhaps nearly idiotic :)
Anywaay, last Sunday, May 27th 2012, we held another action for releasing our first bulletin! Yeaaay! Now #IndonesiaTanpaJIL has bulletin, ladies & gents *clapping hands* The bulletin itself will be released monthly. My husband is one of the bulletin designers *proud*. I hope this will affect positively to build awareness among common people about the dangerous of JIL :)
The first bulletin release was held in Bundaran HI, Sudirman from 7 am to 10 am. There was the Car Free Day event held that morning, so it was the best chance for us to spread the bulletin to the passer-byes and the bikers.
#IndonesiaTanpaJIL 's action [giving ITJ's flyer to people] was also held in other 5 cities in Indonesia altogether that day. Besides Jakarta, there were Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Tanjung Pinang & Malang. The enthusiasm from the people was amazing! Alhamdulillah... Hopefully this will be a continuous event to keep educating people about #IndonesiaTanpaJIL movement :)
After show :)
Me taking pic of my hubby [@Dieforlust] with Gus Hafidz [@hafidz_ary]
Listening to Galih [@halogalih] 's direction before giving out ITJ's bulletins
Look at the crowd. Awesome! :)
Nice! ^^
My girls, #IndonesiaTanpaJIL 's supporters
Muslimahs who are stronger than those lame feminists, lol
Getting ready! [Taken by @anggy_umbara]
Below are some pics of me, my hubby & my superman #LittleRayyan that were taken by some of our friends. ^^
Taken by @KakaLebah
Taken by @KakaLebah
Taken by @TanpaJIL
Taken by @TanpaJIL . Lovely ^^
Taken by @KakaLebah
Taken by @KakaLebah
Btw, if you want to take part of the next #IndonesiaTanpaJIL 's studies & events, just follow our Twitter @TanpaJIL and join our fan page at Facebook #IndonesiaTanpaJIL and see the videos of our events & actions at#IndonesiaTanpaJIL 's Youtube.
If to keep the Dien of Islam we have to face the fact that we will be labeled as Wahabi, Fundamentalist, Radicals, Fascist or even Anarchist... Then so be it. But then again, like I always believe since God knows when... I don't need people to label me and judge me as they wish, coz all I care in this world is only Allah's judgment toward me. I am what they think I am. And that... Is not even close to the truth of knowing me. Not even close. Not even at all.
So keep judging me till I walk out far ahead, leaving you behind, busy with your own interpretation. Allah be with us all, the bigots *hi-five*
This is my last present for you. The next Islam warrior *Inshallah*. My warrior that will keep those JILers grumbling in panicky. LOL
My lil brats with his dad :p
My lil brats with his dad :p
He's nosing his Pa :'))
Nosy boy :D
Tired after walking around Bundaran HI
#LittleRayyan raising Salam Tawheed in the air
Who taught you that pose, Kriwil? Hadeeeh... -___-"
Rayyan: "I don't like people throwing garbage anywhere!"
So dashing! :-*
#LittleRayyan helping his Pa giving #IndonesiaTanpaJIL 's first bulletin :)
Owh yeah, one more thing. To join this movement is completely pay-less! This is a D.I.Y [Do-It-Yourself] movement. Instead of getting a fee, many of the supporters who don't have time to help directly to the movement, spent some of their money to help our event *Alhamdulillah, thanks for all the donators*. So if you are all about money, sorry... That's the only thing we can't promise. What we can promise is a better ukhuwah and a better point-of-view in a religion we believe together: Islam.*Inshallah*. ^__^
For those who want to have the first edition of the bulletin, simply click & download it from this link. We will be so thankful if you're willing to spread this link to your family & friends as well.