Monday, August 06, 2012

[Event] Break-fasting together with the iron fighters, LOL.

Salam 'alaikum,

On Sunday July 29th, the Markazu martial art members [I call it "the iron plate fighter", LOL] were having a break-fasting together at the Markazu basecamp in Ciledug [It's a MIPRO office as well]. I went there with my hubby, Renny [@rennyrengganis] & her hubby Mehdy [@mehdymaker].

After breaking our fasting, we did the Maghrib pray together & then listened to a Tausyiah by Ust. Herry Nurdin [@herrynurdi]. It was a very qualified moment for my spiritual need, my religious thirst. I am so glad that I found the true sisters & brothers of Islam in this society. I don't wanna be lost anymore. I want to be near them, the ones who are willing to remind me if I do something wrong. Nonetheless, they won't go anywhere to avoid me for my mistakes :)

May Allah SWT always protect them. Us. Aamiin...


Listening a tausyiah by Ust. Herry Nurdin

My baby iwil-iwil :-*

Ssst! *kata Mehdy* :p


Umu, Amor-Erika's third children

Bang Ombat's [@abuskull] third children [I swear I forget her name >___<]

Bone [@bontuit]

Altogether ^^

Rayyan takes over the chaotic situation :p

He's singing... I don't know

Mommilicious! ;)

With Renny

One Finger Movement meeting



Uber cuteness!

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