Fauzi Baadila for #IndonesiaTanpaJIL
If there is one organization that I hate so much the hatred feels like drifting through my veins... That would be JIL (Jaringan Islam Liberal, or should I change "Jaringan Iblis Laknatullah"?). Bunch of people who claim themselves as Muslims but promulgating a very very dangerous cult to the society, raping verses of the Holy Qur'an and changing them into another irrational version of themselves.
They speak in the name of "Peace" yet they remain "judgmental" to the Haq of Islam. They say women with hijab are stupid, because hijab is an occasional wear (only for pray & reading Qur'an >> according to them). But the worst is how Ulil (one of the founders) ever twitted that it is necessary to reconsider The Prophet Muhammad SAW as the last prophet we Muslims have, regarding some I-don't-know-what situation he was saying at that time. This JIL thing is really getting on my nerves.
And Alhamdulillah, it's not only me who wants JIL to be cut off. Now at Twitter, people been hastagging "#IndonesiaTanpaJIL" to speak their desire... Our desire to get rid of that cult forever from Indonesia. We're growing, blossoming and getting bigger each day (Alhamdulillah ya Allah... Help us through the way, please). We are not just twitting, true actions will be taken soon. If we don't act now, I can't seem to picture how my children & grandchild will live their lives under those dangerous stigma. Bismillah, prays will always loudly and discreetly spoken from our mouths.
If you feel like you have the same will, don't hesitate to twit with the hastag #IndonesiaTanpaJIL... It's for the better future, Inshallah ;)
Question: No big media has the gut to expose this new phenomenon, eh? Figures. Their balls being pressed up in those politicians' tinkling pocket I assume?
My Artwork today for the facebook page #IndonesiaTanpaJIL |
setujuuu ama kak iweddddd :D
Kalau gerakan ini konsisten ada terus Inshallah ALLAH SWT ngabulin permintaan kita supaya JIL musnah paling tidak dari negara ini ya sist ^^
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