Thursday, March 27, 2008

Get adventured again - Peucang Island.

April 30 – May 3, 2k8

Peucang Island…


*Get adventured again! Oh gosh I’m so missing the smell of the mountain, the salty water of the beach and the danger road of the hill.

Can’t wait. Excited. Thrilled. Patient less. Huhuhu… Iwed the adventurer has back!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Iwed dan partisi.

Kemarin gw kena sial banget! Gara-gara Pudel [temen kantor] suruh gw ngintipin si babeh [] lagi ngapain di ruangannya, gw sampe nabrak partisi!

Kejadiannya begini, babeh gw itu termasuk Mr. Ring-ring. Kadang gw harus cek dulu do’i lagi on the line atau ngga, karena ngga enak juga kalo mau ganggu kan. Nah si Pudel ini kayanya mau masuk ke ruangan babeh tapi dia ngga bias ngintip kira-kira si babeh lg online atau ngga. Jadilah dia nelp gw,


“apa mba?”

“tolong intipin si bapak dong, dia lagi ngapain.”

“lagi online kali..” [padahal segen mau ngintip]

“sebentar aja Wed. Aku ngga bisa liat dari sini.”

“oke oke.”

Maka dengan lagak sok mau jalan ke arah ruangan Pudel yang emang sebelahan sama ruangan si babeh, sambil megang CDMA sok ngetik sms, jalanlah gw pelan-pelan ngelewatin ruangan bapak sambil nengok-nengok curi-curi pandang ke jendela ruangan do’i.

Jalan tegak… Ngga keliatan. Ah, nunduk dikit ah.. nah! Kliatan juga! Tapi si bapak lagi ngapain itu yah? Ngga kaya lagi nelepon, kaya lagi ngetik di komputernya. Eh tapi kok sambil ngobrol? Berarti dia online dong?

Gw tetep jalan, lurus… lurus… lurus… Tepat saat gw merasa kalo ada yang aneh sama arah jalan gw, pas banget waktu muka gw balikin ke depan…


Gue nabrak partisi.

Mending kalo bahu, tangan atau kaki yang nabrak, ini MUKA man, muka!! Idung gw sampe sakit banget, nyut-nyutan gitu. Mana bunyinya keras banget lagi. Gw yakin banget lagi melakukan apapun babeh gw di ruangannya pasti dia kaget juga. Gw buru-buru “memperbaiki” setelan muka, otomatis clingak-clinguk liatin kira-kira mata siapa yang sempet ngerekam kejadian memalukan itu di benaknya. Ternyata diujung ruangan deket pantry si Nawan [OB kantor gw] udah ngakak abis-abisan sampe megangin perutnya. Damn it!! Malu berat gw! Gw cuma cengar-cengir ngancem ke dia…

“nyebar ke orang-orang kantor gw hajar loe Wan..” kata gw sambil gosok-gosok idung.

“makanya… Huahahahahaha!! Ngintipin orang mulu sih kerjaan loe”

“Pudel yang nyuruh gw tau!”

“Huahahahahaha, udah disuruh dia yang kena getahnya, hahahaha…” dia ketawa ga slese2 sampe keluar air mata.

Sambil menggerutu gw masuk ruangan Pudel. Pas gw critain si Pudel ikutan ngakak sampe nangis. Awalnya gw pikir yang gw tabrak itu partisi ruangannya Pudel, ternyata ruangan babeh gw!! Untung dia ngga sampe keluar ruangan sambil mencak-mencak nyari oknum yang membuat keributan itu, kalo ngga kan mampus gw!

Duh ilah ampe sekarang idung gw masih pegel, nyeri gitu kalo gw pencet. Penderitaan gw bertambah waktu Pudel saut-sautan status di YM sama orang-orang kantor lain tentang insiden “iwed dan partisi” itu. Si Nawan pake nyeletuk, “Sayang ngga ada CCTV disini ngga kaya dikantor lama, kalo ada udah gw rekam trus gw sebar ke orang-orang kantor tuh! Hehehe…”

Huh, padahal mah tinggal ketok aja pintu si babeh trus liat dia lagi sibuk atau ngga, susah-susah amat pake ngintip ruangannya segala. Untung mata gw ngga sampe bintitan. Kapok deh ah, Pudel rese.

Duh, idung gw ngilu… Siyals! Hiks…


Monday, March 24, 2008

Reality bites!

Everything seems to be going so fast to me. Like a series of pictures sliding each by each in front of my eyes without giving me any chance to figure out each meaning of those blurry visualization. Like a wheel rotating in one spot without making any progress to move forward. Every new question occurs even before I can answer the previous one. Every reality comes to me even before I can accept the reality that I was facing in the previous time. Every new silhouette forming even before the previous one has completely vanished.

Sometimes I think life is too difficult to understand and to run. I believe that things happen for reason, though most of the time I couldn’t find any logical answers to questions I’ve wondered about life, my life. I’m facing a complicated life these lately days. Tough, yes… But many of them are the blessing I received from God. But first I have to make quick adaptations first before I could really get into it.

Reality is like my shock therapy. It hurts. It bites. But it can make me get back to my consciousness. Reality is a bittersweet chocolate. Reality is a bottle of red wine. I hate reality and I present my hatred by getting emotionally involved in it. I hate it by needing it. I hate it by getting addicted to it. I hate it by cannot living without it.

Reality and dreams are like separated twins. Sometimes I can’t differentiate between one another. Sometimes I get them twisted. Sometimes I live with both twins, sometimes I live with none of them and sometimes I feel they both take my life away.

To be able to differentiate them I just have one simple thing to feel; the hurter one from the twins is the reality. That is, if you are sane enough to see the difference. And mostly people lost their sanity when facing them.

Reality bites. It has intoxicating fangs that can set the altitude and sharpness by its own.

*The picture is originally painted by Ayo, GELAP's keyboardist.


Saturday, March 22, 2008


Katamu akhirnya khatam.
Kataku akhirnya khatam.

Kata hatiku bilang ini tambah panjang, jauh dari khatam.

Tapi aku hanya diam. Karena aku menikmati.
Disisi lain kemungkinan, yang dinikmati itu adalah rasa nyeri.
Menggunduk, bergunduk membuat gundukan.

Kau seperti akan mendiamkan.
Mengawasi lembar-lembar menggunduk meninggi.
Aku seperti akan membiarkan.
Menertawai gundukan yang semakin membuat nyeri.

Lalu kita akan memakan lembaran itu bersama-sama.
Seperti tikus-tikus kotor yang kelaparan.
Memakan habis isi cerita dalam tiap sapuan lembar.
Sampai tenggorokan lecet, sampai suara serak.

Orang-orang akan mencemooh kita.
Kita membuat sampah untuk kita telan sendiri.
Kita membuat bau untuk kita hirup sendiri.
Kita membuat luka kesakitan untuk kita rintihi sendiri.

Tapi toh gundukan itu masih rendah.
Masih ada waktu, kita masih bisa bercanda-canda.
waktu akan datang bersama kenyataan.
Bagai air bah di gurun pasir, kita tidak akan siap.

Walau aku sudah bisa mencium bau busuknya dari sini.
Sekarang ini.
Detik ini.
Lembar-lembar itu masih menggunduk.
Masih jauh dari khatam.
Maka tertawalah, sayang.
Kita nikmati saja dulu rasa nyeri, sebelum pedih itu akhirnya melingkupi.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Anak kecil dengan pistol

Anak kecil dengan pistol

Berlarian ke segala sudut ruang

Memegang sepucuk senapan

Dia menyiapkan peluru lalu menarik pelatuk

Dar… Der… Dor!!!

Dia tidak perduli dengan bidikan

Tak mau tahu apakah tepat sasaran

Dia sangat menyukai sensasi yang ditimbulkannya

Reaksi kegaduhan luar biasa yang tercipta

Menghidupkan ketegangan yang sarat akan rasa

Semua berdebar-debar dan menebak-nebak

Kirakah sang peluru mengenainya?

Dia ingin membalaskan dendam

Kepada siapapun yang mencuri senjatanya

Senjata itu terampas darinya, yang paling berharga

Busurnya, panahnya dan sayapnya

Kini tak ada, kini tak bersisa

Pistol inilah yang sekarang dia miliki, senjata jua kah ini?

Entahlah… Yang pasti ini bisa menusuk jiwa

Lebih tajam, menusuk dan mengena

Anak kecil dengan pistol

Menembak kesana-kemari tak beraturan

Dengan peluru runcing memerah

Lebih tajam, menusuk dan mengena

Dia tidak peduli pada bidikan dan sasaran

Dia pun tak tahu aku adalah salah satu korban

Dia hanya ingin balaskan dendam

Karena dia tak bisa lagi menjadi Si Mak Comblang

Tak bisa terbang kembali ke surga

Untuk memberikan laporan cinta pada Sang Kuasa

Anak kecil dengan pistol marah

Dia menembak membabi-buta ke segala arah



Friday, March 14, 2008

Udah ujhyan, dingin ngga pyulang-pyulang.

It's 9.24 already, still at the office. Half of the employees are still here coz they all very busy preparing for the upcoming RUPS LB of BB next Monday at Intercontinental. It is raining outside now, been stuck here, all foods have gone.. Gone with the wind of hunger! hahahaha...

Me, Pudel and Ria feel hungry again tonight. And it is bloody hell cold inside here. But unfortunately my tummy screams that she wants to have some ice cream! We called 14045 and ordered some ready-stocked menus. McFlurry be my choice, and eat the ice cream with predator power while chatting with any friend I could reach this night on the Messanger, heh heh...

Okay guys, this is my sin admission. Today I ate several "harmful" foods:

1. Two slices of bread with strwaberry jam
2. Oily snacks [gorengan]
3. Snacks [again!] from Le Gourmet
4. Pecel Lele
5. Two cups of coffee [black and creamy]
6. Rujak!
7. McFlurry

And I'm still hungry! And it is still raining and cold down here
Udah ujhyan, dingin ngga pyulang-pyulang... Aku jchadi puyeng..

Oh dear... *sigh*

My cousin is been robbed through the past year...

Open this site:

I received a very shocking news last night when I took my overtime at work. At 8.30 pm my cousin gave me a "Buzz" at the Messanger and he told me that our cousin named Ari - a Senior High School Student of 112 High School in West Jakarta - has been robbed by his own classmate who sits right next to him!

This morning I again chatted with Yogie and he gave me the link of 112's mailing list that he maintains. I almost cry when I read it, my heart hurts... My cousin has been badly treated. I was so angry, upset, sad and anxious! This is not right, this is unfair! I really wanna see that lil bastard who robbed him get the worst punishment! I hate people who use their power to do something bad to someone, and he's just a student for FVCKIN sake!! And tell me what kind od scool, what kind of teachers and what kind of academic system that letting my frightened cousin keep his dangerous problem alone and fight all by himself?

What kind of justice is that? I really wanna see some punishment! Thank God my aunt & uncle [his parents] already reported this case and now it is been investigated. Allah, please help my cousin...

Yogie is right, "I just want to pay him a visit, well and maybe break a leg or two..."

OST, he deserves worse than that...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tiga kaliii ajahh!!

Coffee, pepper and ciggar really work!! Got three times today coz of them.

*Tanpa Laxing, BAB lancar... Terasa longgaaar.*

[Huahahahaha, postingan paling ngga penting!]


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A woman in a black veil

A woman in a black veil stands still she stares away to the limitless sky up the hill. She can’t find what she’s been searching. All that she found was all camouflaged visions dissolved with deceiving feelings she catches every one step she makes ahead – limping. It is as much as she has been hoping for a node of – even a fake – love from her long-just-like-forever waited man of her dream. Intoxicating confusion dares nothing for her, appears without any pain for she knows that none of those feelings she could gain.

A woman in a black veil walks, feels her anxiety yawning and thundering like the sound of quint-toms befitted with the marching squad in the land of tribulation. It creates spooky echoes all around it gets even spookier when she cries – almost screams – with deadly piteous wails comes out from her mouth. She’s likely to re-question her desires to the unseen Lord, re-demand her claims and re-assertion her wants as she will chase them to wherever the end is.

With smile that only she can make, faith that only she can keep and hope that only she can pursue, she remains alive most likely because she forces it. As to hope all things will finally revealed, even when it finally does, nothing left from her… not even her heart, the warmest side.


*Dedicated to Rara, my Black Kruznik sister [Thanks for the picture, sist... -Love-]

You'll never walk alone!!!

Tumpuanku sekarang hanya pada Liverpool...

Setelah Milan dengan tragisnya dibantai Arsenal...

Fiuhhh, untung Inter juga dibantai Liverpool [makasih Torez, muachh!]

When you walk through a storm
hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dear you

Dear you…

You have no idea how much I’m waiting for that day to come and seize us. Why do we have to taste the bitterness now for we never taste the sweetness first? Maybe it was my bad… I know it was. I left my regret unsaid that day, but everything is never too late to say, isn’t it? So, is it that hard to forgive me? For my foolishness and my stupidity for letting my ego talked rather than my heart?

Dear you…

You have no idea how much I miss you and hate you at the same time for I know that you won’t be here right next to me even if I let my voice get damaged because of yelling your name dozen times! I hate you coz you started it first and not able to finish it. I hate you coz you make things look so unfair to me but somehow look so right for both of us. I hate you coz the more I want to let you go, the more it kills me. I hate this condition and so I hate you.

Dear you…

Only God who has the answer to all of my never-ending questions; including this. I really wanna make it work like what I’ve been expecting within these times and oh phu-leease make it work! And everything will be a lot easier for me to handle, and hopefully for you too. I put my expectation as high as I can and as low as I can. Whatever it is, the point is I try to be logic and realistic, yet it doesn’t destroy the romance inside me. I’m not playing any games here, dear boy… I’m tired of playing anyway.

Dear you…

I curse a lot when remembering about us. How it all won’t be easy for us. Any path chosen will be the biggest obstacle to get through. I got hurt so many times that I need not to remember it. But still, it turns to be my noisiest alarm to keep me aware, eyes open, mind thinks, emotions down and mouth shut. You are different, on the other side you’re packaged the same wrapper. I feel comfort in my anxiety, I feel secure in my awareness, I feel healed in my renewed wound. You are the heaven stays in hell.

Dear you…

I wish I never see you. I wish I never know you. I wish I never like you, care for you and miss you like the way I do. And I wish I would never say something like this anymore coz I know by saying that, I will be the biggest lousiest liar in the whole wide world.

I wish there’s always you and there isn’t me. So things won’t be this complicated, even just to think of.


*Very very belated post [Nov 18, 07 – 11 pm]

Penakaran Rusa di UI.

Hari sabtu kemarin gw kekantor untuk handover kerjaan gw yang baru sama Mba Ria [sekretaris yang mau gw gantiin posisinya]. Gw sampe kantor jam10 dan handover kurang lebih 2 jam. Jam 12.30 gw cabs ke Depok, kangen sama anak2 dan pengen nginep di kosan Gita [ponakan gw] karena gw janji traktir do'i kalo udah gajian [maklum, ponakan gw yang satu itu emang tukang palak sejati. Salah juga sih gw ngajarin dia dulu. Gw juga yang jadi kena imbasnya, hiks...]. Jam1.30 gw sampe Depok, sambil nunggu temen gw OL diwarnet. Setelah itu main kekampus, clingak-clinguk beredar dan salam cipika-cipiki sana-sini sama temen2. Akhirnya gw, Adjie & Jule end up main kartu capsa sampe sore! Udah deket magrib Gita udah nelp2 gw ngajak shopping.

On the way out ke stasiun UI, Adjie ngajak gw ngelewatin balhut [balik hutan] untuk liat RUSA!! Lah gw bingung jadinya....
"Iye, di balhut"
"IYEEE bawel..!! Buru ah, kita foto2 disana"

Tangan gw ditarik kesana, dan setelah sampai, "Whoooaaaa!!!!!" adalah kalimat pertama yang keluar dari mulut gw waktu liat segerombolan rusa lagi asik berteduh di pondok. Gw sendiri baru liat ternyata ada penakaran rusa disana. Sebelumnya tempat penakaran itu bekas lapangan bola-nya anak2 FISIP atau Sastra. Entah deh anak2 bola itu pada protes ngga lapangan mereka dibajak ama sekawanan makhluk luar biasa itu.... :)

Ada kemajuan juga, RUSA!!! hahahahaha.... Ada2 aja deh UI tuh!


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Pity Hinny Honey

You say this…

Say that

Shit here

Shit there

Spit a bit

Spit a lot

Fart silently

Fart loudly

Even not a single mark left in my spot. Sometimes things I left unsaid about you can be billion times truer than all those speeches you’ve been – kindly though pointlessly – told to people about me. All that matters to you is to let everybody knows what kind of issue you are dealing with at the moment. Let the gong roars and wakes up all people in the midnight, coz the princess wants to whine and shout and they all have to listen and follow the will of the princess like dead zombies with empty stares, rhyming jumps and hands up to their fronts while doing what their master commands. A princess to dead zombies with blackest dreadful souls. To hear, to entertain and to let you alone all by yourself again… anymore.

And you will do it again an again when you feel like to. And again, they will rise up from their graves and do the same old thing to you. And you will end up alone…

And again…


Never can learn, can you?

Pity :)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The first timE

Everyone always have their first time in everything; The first breathe, the first blink, the first cry, the first walk, the first word spoken, the first day in school, the first job, the first fight, the first kiss, the first boyfriend/girlfriend, the first break-up, the first sex, the first sickness and lots of other first-times. And now, it's my first time assigned in my new position - a better yet scarier career with more responsibility and higher risks than before. Already put my left feet there - terrifyingly. Now it's time to put my other weakened right foot on the same spot next to the left one.

Bismillah... I know I could do it. I have to do it. Mom, pray to Allah for me, will ya? Okay, get ready... My first time!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Because I Said So [2007]

Daphne Wilder is a mother whose love knows no bounds or boundaries. As a single parent, she has raised three fantastic girls--klutzy, adorable Milly, stable psychologist Maggie and sexy and irreverent Mae--to become the kind of women any mom would die to have. The only problem is they're about to strangle her. In order to prevent her youngest, Milly, from making the same romantic mistakes she did, Daphne decides to set her up with the perfect man. The one thing Daphne decides not to tell Milly, however, is that she placed an ad in the online personals to find him. If anyone knows exactly what her daughter does and doesn't need out of a long-term relationship (or clothes or her career), it's Daphne. Comic mayhem unfolds as the well-intended mom continues to do the wrong thing for the right reasons--all in the name of love for her beloved daughter. Is the man of Daphne's (er, um--Milly's) dreams the responsible architect Jason, or is he the free-spirited rocker Johnny? Daphne will continue to push, cajole, suggest and nudge her way into Milly's smallest of decisions until she rights the wrongs of her own life choices or drives her girl nuts. But once Johnny's own father, Joe, catches a buried spark within Daphne, things really start to heat up for the Wilder matriarch. Finally letting herself begin to fall, Daphne begins to wonder if she is just pushing her girls as a way of ignoring her own issues.


Hilarious! That's the first opinion came out from my mind after watched this movie. Mandy Moore is just such a sweet girl-next-door kinda like! The movie tells about a single parent named Daphne who has three beautiful daughters; Milly, Mae and Maggie. All the four girls are so blended each other. Milly is the first daughter who gets married, then Mae is the next. When it comes to Maggie, Daphne sees something wrong. Maggie's love-life is such a disaster. She never had a healthy relationship with men, having a gay boyfriend be her climax, till she promised to herself to be alone all by herself for the rest of her life: the last thing her mom wish to happen to her daughters... Because Daphne doesn't want her daughters end up like her; being alone.

Been terribly worried about the possibility that Maggie could end up being an ugly virgin old hag, Daphne arranges some meetings with some chosen guys she saw from the match-making founder on the internet. This is where all the funny and hilarious things happen. She found a perfect guy for Maggie, then they date... Meanwhile, in the same time Maggie's seeing someone else too. She's been unconsciously enjoy all the different sensations she gets from both guys she's been dating with. Until one day one of them caught her with her other date, and that's where all the chaos start, especially when Maggie finally realizes that it's her mother who - for this long time - has been the mastermind of matchmaking her to a guy through the matchmaking founder in the internet. Lots of funny scenes will be found here, and the ending is so sweet but predictable.

Well, what do you expect. I'm a happy-ending-movie-beyotch, lol


Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Lama-lama gue begah sama Facebook.

Stop giving me useless slowering-the-internet-connection applications, will ya? Ngga liat ya page Facebook gue udah panjang gilaaa...!!!

Rumpi-rumpi ngga juntrung

Imron: si buday accident tuh.ktnya lu dsuruh bsuk dia dimayang.

Iwed: Accident apaan Ron?Trs dia kondisinya gmn skrg?

Imron: Sory td gw lg dijln.ktnya sih jg blm tau kondisinya dia.cb sms or tlp aja ke dia.

The next day…

Iwed: Die cintakuh..Loe kecelakaan ya?Td mlm imron sms gw.Tabrakan gmn Die?

Die: Iya nih,jahat sakit ga d temenin,pdhl dngr suara lu aja deh say bengkak gw psti kemps n tertutup smua luka..Halah..Ga kok gw gpp say,em met ngtake ya

Then I called him and we talked…

Die: Hehe..Sori ya semalem lg ada lu kli d pala gw jd ksebut k imron gt,tuh anak jg ngladenin lg..Tp asik si jd d tlp lu hari ini hehehe..Makasih ya

Iwed: Hoho..Lo kangen ma gw yaa?Uhuyy dikangenin sm die,jd enak,hahaha..Mg2 tgl9 qta jd 1stage ya biar bs ktmu lg.Gw jg udh kangen :p bsk telp2an lg ya,get well soon

Die: bkl cpt smbuh nih,tp janji ngetake vocal hari ini harus keren..sekeren kerennya ya.Oke say salam buat yg laen..Daag

The next day…

Die: Hi gmn kmrn takenya?

Iwed: Udh slese smua doong..Para vokalis sdh bs tdr nyenyak,hehe..Gmn cintaku sdh kerja lg? :)

Die: :D hahaha..sip deh,iye td pagi brngkt ngebis..Smpe ktr jam 10 hahaha

Iwed: Huahahaha..Motor msk rmh sakit jg bang? :D

Die: Lagi musuhan aja,jd gw cuekin gt deh.Cintaku lg d ktr?

Iwed: Iya cintah..Gw br aja kelar nulis komen buat lo,hehe..Gw pgn curhat sbnrnya.1 lg anggota DL yg resign gr2 dia pikir gw&rins sngja bkn DL utk jd fansnya Gelap :D

Die: Hahaha..ada2 aja,ya udah crita taukan gw snng dngr suara lu :) tp ntar aja deh gw tlp lu,gw lg di uber bkin cover bang oma say..gpp yah

Iwed: Santai aja cintah,ntr mlm jg bs.Hati2 ntr lo pulangnya ye..Ntr nabrak lg brabe,hehe..Ntr klo udh sampe mayang salamin buat Bounty&Dila ya.Met ngjr deadline,mwah

Die: Makasi sayang..Hati2 jg ya

The next day…

Imron: udh tlp buday blm?

Iwed: Walaikumsalam wr wb.Udh kq kmrn gw telp,hr minggu.Dia mah emg lg manja aje tuh,hehe.Emg dia ngmgnya gmn sih sm elo bro?

Imron: Sory br bangun bu’.owh udh tlp toh.krain blm.iye kmren2 gw tnya dia,gmn pak udh agak baikan blm eh dia blang mlah gw btuh suster klo iwed mau ga yah?gt deh dia blang.hehehe manja dia

Iwed: Hahaha..Orang gila tuh si item 1 itu.Kmrn pas gw telp dia jg crita bgtu.Klo kmrn gw latian si gw bs mampir k mayang.Mslhnya kmrn gw nge-take d ciputat,jd ga bs

Imron: Hehehehe ngatain orng item,ntr jd suka loh….udh sm buday aja =) tengokin dong biar cpet smbuh.

Iwed: Jgn ah,ntr klo jdian ma dia gw ribut mulu ama Biyo gr2 rebutan Die malem2,huahahaha..Ancuur!Dia udh ngantor lg kq dr kmrn cm nge-bus.Msh trauma kali bw mtr :D

Imron: Hehehe tp suka kan?udh jgn dithan2..nti kbwa mimpi loh.urusan biyo mah gmpang,biar gw yg handle hahahaha.iya dia udh msk dia blang krjaannya ga diperpnjang.

Iwed: Bused,kq jd lo yg ngotot suruh gw jdian sm si item?Dibayar brp lo ma dia?Hahaha..Gw ogah ah sm duda walaupun jam terbang lbh tinggi,huahahaha!Bcanda2 bro :D

Imron: Hahahaha gw kan hanya mmbantu tmn yg pd sndrian.drpada sndri kan mnding brdua =) tp kan duda ky buday beda sm duda2 yg laen.

Udah ah, makin aneh ini teh… Anak2 yang markasnya di Mayang ngga beres smua otaknya :D


I run
He still can catch me
I hide
He still can find me
I close my eyes
He still can read my mind
I lock the door
He can unlocked it
I scream
He can shut my mouth up
I beg
He doesn't want to listen
I cry
He smiles devilry
I said no
He still fuck me
I wake up panicky
He's gone...

Thank God!

Photo: iwed