Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Writing] #NoMention

"Cewe kalo pagi2 udah ngumbar aurat itu sungguh sesuatu sodara-sodara!"

"Ternyata jempolnya di dunia maya lebih bernyali daripada mulutnya di dunia nyata"

Atau ini dooong twit gue yang cetar membahana tadi malem,
"Walau beda payung tp kalo jalan beriringan, Anda adl saudara sy. Tp kalo dateng cuma nyampah, maaf... Gw kaga suka maenan sampah :D #cihuy"

Salam 'alaikum...

Sudah bisa menebak apa yang akan gue bahas?

Yes. Monster hestek bernama #NoMention!!

Twitter adalah social media yang terbukti sekarang ketenarannya melebihi Facebook. Semua manusia, semua pemikiran, semua opini, semua abege2 galau tumpah ruah di Twitter, berebut mau ngomong, berebut mau menuh2in timeline, berebut minta di follow, di mention, di reply, di retweet. Semua terlihat kaya ngga punya hidup asli di dunia nyata.

Lalu, muncul deh tuh istilah2 perTwitteran kaya #TwitWar, #CyberBullying lewat Twitter, #PelukVirtual dan yang teranyar dan hestek paling bertanggung jawab dalam menimbulkan ricuh di timeline >> #NoMention.

Funny fact I found about this #NoMention is that, sometimes it's the only way you can do to provoke person[s] you aim to feel pointed upon your #NoMention twits and got your message, when frontal way isn't working. Gue bilang itu lucu karena saat cara frontal [Mention, DM atau BBM] yang kita tujukan buat sasaran kita ngga digubris, justru disaat kita ngetwit #NoMention yg notabene tidak mention siapapun dalam twitnya, sasaran kita justru bisa "kena" & itu adalah alat pancingan paling efektif untuk si orang itu bersuara [dan biasanya akan #NoMention juga, oh geez... Kill me].

Lu bayangin kalo nyinyir-nyinyiran dijaman dulu pake telegram... Nunggu ampe gigi loe raib semua juga belon tentu masalah selesai. Lama cuy! :p

Tapi apa iya #NoMention itu solving problem?

Yaaa... Kalo punya otak sih bisa dijawab sendiri yaaaa.... *tepok Pramuka*

Seumur-umur gue berteman dekat, atau berhubungan dengan suami dan keluarga gue, gw belajar bahwa menyindir dan menyinyir mungkin akan membuat sasaran kita sadar bahwa kita sedang MEMBICARAKAN dia, tapi PESAN yang mau kita SAMPAIKAN sampe ngga ke dia?

Menurut looooee?!

Nah, jadii... Akhir-akhir ini, banyak personal2 pengecut yang seneng banget menyinyir (tanpa sirih dimulut mereka & sepasang payudara palsu >> untuk cowo2 gengges) di Twitter, dengan harapan ada sedikit perhatian mereka dapatkan (atau selepetan sendal mungkin lebih pantes). Suwe'nya, kadang twit2 #NoMention dia malah 'nembak' sasaran yang salah. Kalo mentok, biasanya #NoMention nya diganti ke #NtMS biar kesannya bersahaja, bukan berghibahaja (Hayooo, pada ngerasa yaa? Ahahaha...). Masalah ngga kelar, yang ada malah melebar...

Kan bego?!

Untungnya gue yang baik hati, tidak sombong, gemar menabung & ceria ini bukan tipe orang yang gampang tersinggung dengan twit2 #NoMention atau emang gue simply ngga peka dengan trik2 recehan. But in the end, akan selalu ada orang2 yang info ke gue perihal penyinyir yang kangen pengen gue perhatiin. But sorry my dear, I'm not cheap. Mau perhatian gue? Wani pirooo??

Yang  menurut gue harus digaris bawahi, di bold, di italic & kalo perlu di tato di otak kita bersama adalah; Ironisnya, twit #NoMention itu justru kita lakukan untuk nyinyir dengan orang yang KITA KENAL dan KENAL KITA. Seriously? Untuk menyampaikan uneg2 terhadap temen, saudara... Do we really need #NoMention twits?

Lucu lu boy, tapi lama-lama anyep.

I don't know what your parents have taught you about hablumminannas ya.. Tapi gue dibesarkan dari keluarga (terutama bokap) yang frontal. Ngga suka? Bilang langsung ke yang bersangkutan. Keberatan? Bilang langsung. Mau mengingatkan? Langsung ke sasaran. Seberapa lama pun masalah baru bisa selesai, tapi setelahnya udah lega. Ngga ada api dalam sekam, ngga ada dendam, ngga ada "tapi kan..." di dalam hati. Kelar!

Sebenernya budaya menyinyir ini udah sampai ke tahap memprihatinkan sih menurut gue, posisinya udah mulai ngebut nyaingin kata "hater". Atau emang nyinyir itu embrio nya hater. Does it feel really good to be hater, people? Are you really happy when someone's broken and you're broken when someone's happy? Sad but true, #NoMention twits have been overratedly abused with irresponsible peope.

But then again, as I have twitted last night as well,

"I was bitching around. I was doing nomention. Got the point? Yes... Nomention is just for bitching around w/o offering any solution. There!! And if you smart enough to bitching around, be smarter to clean up the mess. Don't do what dog does; poo-ing, pawing & leaving the stinks."

Eh, ada satu lagi sik...
 "Sesungguhnya tersinggung karena twit #nomention adalah hak semua manusia. Tolong itu jangan diambil semua hak tersinggungnya, maruk amat."

Gitu aja sik... Hope we can learn from our lessons. Dan setelah ini, gue ngga mau terima komen2 #NoMention, lagi kaga kepengen ge-er. Lagipula mau tau ngga rahasia gue dalam berteman? Mau?

Baca QS. Al-Hujuraat : 12 aja gih ;)

Cukup sekian dan terima traktir.

Iwed (ngga pake #NoMention dan bukan anonim)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

[Sneak peak] Faces behind @mariberhijab

 Faces behind @mariberhijab. Ones who had worked so hard to make our first event run successfully. The event report and event pictures are upcoming ;)


Changeling by Zack Hemsey. I'm so crazy bout his music ^^

[Video] @mariberhijab 's introductory video

Salam 'alaikum Ukhti ^^

Alhamdulillah, Mari Berhijab has done our very first event called "Grand Launching & Silaturahim Mari Berhijab" that was held on Sunday, January 20th 2013 at Masjid Al-Bakrie - Jakarta. Around 75 muslimahs that came to our event, Alhamdulillah.

There, we shared about hijab stories from the attendees and of course from our guesses; Bunda Astri Ivo and Suci Utami. Many inspiring stories they shared to the participants, who are already wear hijab and who are not yet wear one. It's a very enlightening sharing session that day and the event was closed with a hijab tutorial by Suchi. Alhamdulillah the event went smoothly.

@mariberhijab would like to thank all committees that have been working so hard to make this happen, all participants who looked so enthusiast in joining the events, Wardah Beauty Cosmetics as our Gold (single) sponsor, and other sponsors, Thanks to media partners who had been promoting our event on internet for almost a week-long. Inshallah we will have another event coming up. Our deep apology if there any inconvenience occured.

Please follow our Twitter @mariberhijab and send us email if you want to share your hijab story to

Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiiran.
Mari Berhijab

PS: The event pictures are upcoming ;)

Music originally by Zack Hemsey
Talents: Ola, Mala, Dita, Uchie, Iwed, Karina, Peni, Yunie, Endah (@mariberhijab committees)
Story board: Indah, Iwed & Mala
Director: Indra
Co-Director & Editor: Buday

[Writing] Help.. Don't save me.

Dear red velvet,

You make me fat.
No doubt about that.
But my love for you will always attached.

The endless appetite

[Daily style] Hoojab

Pashmina by
Salam 'alaikum girls,

Yesterday, I tried a new hoodie hijab / hoojab from another brand named Delisha Hijab. The fabric is blouse and it's so damn comfy! And simple of course ^^ The seams are neat & the fabric is quite thick. Simply love it :)


[Daily style] Calm colors

Pashmina by @MISLAwebstore
These colors are perfect together. So calm & sweet. I particularly love the pattern. I got it from MISLA Webstore owned by my friend Ola [@olanatics]. Go to MISLA's twitter if you wanna have one for yourself too and be beautiful with your hijab! ;)

[Daily style] Zigzag!!

Pashmina by @ZirraaOlshop

Zigzag kinda like pattern. Nice, huh? ;)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

[Daily style] Aahh... At last

Salam 'alaikum!

After been in ups and downs with GELAP, for the first time of history... I finally have my own band's t-shirt! LOL. Really, I'm not exaggerating... Gelap has released 3 or 4 types of t-shirt if I'm not mistaken... But I never really HAD ONE! Hahaha, I don't know. Everytime I asked the manager bout the tees, it always sold out. It left 3 kinds of questions in my mind; Was he lie? Or was it a limited edition? Or is Gelap that famous? (The last question is absolutely stupid, LOL).

Anyway, love this new tees design. If you want one too, you can order it at @PerjuanganD


[Daily style] Spot me!

Pashmina by @ZirraaOlshop

For blue, green and pink lovers... Get it now! ;)

[Daily style] It got me.

Pashmina by @ZirraaOlshop

Salam 'alaikum,

Among all pashminas that Zirraa sent me last week, this one's pattern got me! I fell in love the first time I saw it. I never really like color-combining if they're not too mathcy but these colors blended very well together. Love this ^^


[Daily post] Hey, you...

Pashmina by @ZirraaOlshop

Bright on...
Shine on.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

[Event] Grand Launching & Silaturahim @mariberhijab

Click the pic for clearer image

Assalamu'alaikum Wr., Wb.

Mari Berhijab proudly presents :
"Grand Launching & Silaturahim Mari Berhijab"

Hari/Tanggal: Minggu, 20 Januari 2013
Waktu: Pukul 15:00 WIB - selesai [Registrasi dimulai jam 14:30]
Tempat: Masjid Al-Bakrie, Komp. Rasuna Epicentrum - Kuningan, Jakarta
Pembicara: Astri Ivo & Suci Utami [muslimah fashion blogger]
HTM : Rp 40.000 [Termasuk Pin, stiker, snack & donasi] - Paling lambat Jum'at, 18 Jan 2013
HTM on the spot: Rp. 45.000

- Goodie bag untuk 50 peserta pertama yang hadir.
- Acara ini terbuka untuk seluruh muslimah, baik yg sudah berhijab / belum (bagi yg belum berhijab mohon utk membawa hijab/selendang + pakaian yg menutup aurat dgn baik).

Untuk registrasi & info lengkap, cek Twitter @mariberhijab dan Mari Berhijab Wordpress atau email kami ke

Menambah ilmu, memperdalam keIslaman diri, bersilaturahim dgn saudari2 muslimah sambil berdonasi? Why not! ;)

Let's spread this good news! Jazakumullah khairan katsiran

@MariBerhijab Movement

Monday, January 14, 2013

[Cover Song] Carolyna - Melanie C


I have written in my Twitter timeline that someday I'll be doing Melanie C cover song. And amazingly I found this amazing Youtube account that has uploaded his guitar cover for this song [Credits are below]. Frankly speaking I love Mel C so much! Nobody here might have known that I used to be the Spice Girls' biggest fan back then at 1996 - 2000 and I particularly adore Mel C. She's just the real singer for me. And yes, she proves it! She might be the only Spice that achieves success in her solo career life. Love her <3


Original song: Carolyna by Melanie C
Guitar cover: Link
Vocal: Iwed
Backing vocal: Iwed
Soundcloud Version: Link

Thursday, January 10, 2013

[Poem] Judge me.

Yo, wazzup?

I'm warming my feet up
Sitting around looking lout
I saw you walking in the crowd
Dreaming that someone's care enough to stalk

Don't bother to look or to stop
To just checking the stalker out
Don't hallucinate things you think you've got
You don't own what's ticking in the clock

The temperature has never been this drop
The warmth around here has been robbed
By a central-ego head jug
Yeah huh, one rotten heart-clot

Would love to see flowing blood
Run from up down and above
Neither a villain nor a thug
I'm just a girl holding a grudge

See, someone is stuck, clogged!
Who fakking cares with a judgmental brock?
Standing there like an untrue snob
Oops, am I being rude? I'm sorry... NOT!

Peace out.
