Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just whatever.

Fasting month is coming in a few days ahead, but I already got a pretty deal of trial from God. It’s about this website that one of my friends gave to me on the Messanger. I already felt interested just by reading the link-name, soon as I opened the site, I knew I was right. This site is the Moslem-hater site, they’re not Christian, or Jewish or I don’t know who they are [not that important, sorry]. Whoever they are, they’re discrediting Islam in a very well-thought of sorta way! They are bunch of GODDAMN smarty-pants! I bet they did some deep research and brainstorming of the Holy Qur’an first before making this amazing site. And really, I have to admit that this site is so fucking teasing! And I won’t recommend you to click your computer mouse to the link if you don’t prepare enough to read it [esp. for my Muslim buddies here]

I know there are lots of other similar sites like this, I just never interested in finding them [it’s just gonna piss me off, so I’d better put my distance on it], until my friend gave the link. After I opened, I said to him


MC: hati hati blog ini--->musuh Islam nyata--->>

G: Thx for sharing bro, really great site, indeed

G: mereka sebenernya orang2 smart

G: sayangnya tidak begitu smart naro otaknya dimana

G: jadi dibaca aja untuk fun

MC: yups

G: i have lots of FUN reading them

MC: masi banyak lg seh,, web/blog semacem itu

G: iya

MC: yea

G: kalo diliat smua ngga ada habisnya

MC: iya,, bikin kesel aj,,,

MC: share ke yg laen yah

G: hahahaha... ngga tau deh

G: terlalu malay

G: sebenernya itu tujuan mereka

G: muslim kesel, muslim share

G: smua muslim jadi baca itu

G: dan ada aja yg pegangannya goyah, bisa bahaya

G: like i said, they're smart people

G: whoever made this site

MC: yups

G: beneran, kalo hati ngga kukuh sm islam

G: baca itu bisa goyah loh

G: they make the site really great!

G: ngga mengatasnamakan agama2 lain

MC: <+++ ini yg lebih

G: menomorsatukan freedom, hak mengambil keputusan

G: itu sbnrnya yg dicari2 orang, kebebasan kan?

MC: kebebasan yg tak terbatas

G: itu dia

MC: lupa pembatas nilai moral

G: makanya, propaganda gila2an ini situs

MC: yups

G: bahaya lho sebenernya klo di share ke orang banyak

MC: tp pemerintah ko diem yah

G: makanya gw males, akan lebih aman kalo situs kaya gini di abandon

MC: mikirin aja web myspace, youtube,,,

MC: giliran yg kyak gini diem aj


Well, will do find heavier trial like this in the fasting month, I just have to be prepared. Set my heart, clean my thought, wash my dirty mind [yeah yeah, that’s right! Hahaha]. But anyway, happy fasting friends! Hope this sacred month could re-born ourselves, each in a unique way, until we reach the Glory in the end of the month.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wall-E [2008]

Film ini kocak, lucu, sweet dan hi-tech pastinyah! Awalnya gw ngga ada rencana nonton film ini, tapi beberapa kolega gw berencana nonton ini pakai diskon yang disediain bagi yang punya account Mandiri. Setelah make sure gw bisa “kabur” lebih awal dari kantor dan ngga ada rencana apa-apa sama laki gw, gw pun menyetujui ikut serta di nonbar Wall-E di 21 Setiabudi.

Film-nya bercerita tentang seorang robot masa depan bernama Wall-E, yang bertugas “mengkotak-kotakkan” sampah-sampah di bumi yang sudah menggunduk tak tertolongkan lagi [kemudian diketahui seluruh penghuni bumi sudah dipindahkan ke galaksi lain yang lebih layak buat dijadikan tempat hidup dengan teknologi luar biasa canggih yang menyebabkan manusia tidak harus bergerak untuk melakukan APAPUN yang mereka mau karena sudah ada robot-robot yang melakukan semuanya untuk mereka]. Kemudian datang seorang robot bernama Eve, yang punya misi khusus untuk mencari lagi sumber kehidupan di bumi, memastikan apakah bumi masih punya harapan menjadi tempat tinggal manusia lagi. Wall-E dan Eve pun bertemu di bumi, sampai Wall-E jatuh cinta sama robot cewek ini. Hihihi, lucu banget deh, bayangin kaya kita yang goblok bahasa Inggris, ketemu sama orang Prancis yang goblok bahasa Inggris juga, giliran ngobrol pake bahasa Tarzan. Nah kurang lebih begitulah sapaan awal si Wall-E dan Eve waktu mereka kenalan. Kocak banget!!

Film ini efeknya mantep, yah namanya juga computer-animated movie. Lucu bener deh, habis nonton film ini jadi kepengen punya binatang peliharaan kaya Wall-E [Loh kok peliharaan? Wall-E kan robot! Hehehe…]


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vamp I are.

I am a crazy mind, I am deaf and blind.

I am abstractly defined, I am red as blood and warm as wine.

I live at night, whereas my eyes are open wide.

Even with no scent and light, I still can see where you hide.

I am the moon’s angel, she crumbles when I stumble.

The heat is so flammable, we are so close and mingle.

With my wings I fly, to the earth and sky.

Until the stars are all dry, to then I will fall and cry.

I’m the unwanted shade, they are hoping and wishing me fade.

And no other winter can I create, I let go all of what I should take.

The wind soon to be blowless, the sky goes darkless.

The owls are singing toneless, as the sacred night is remaining pureless.

I am a night owl, my heart is fragile yet peaceful.

I am impulsive and not desiring power, I will soon diminish in an hour.

I show not my existence, when the sun goes persistence.

Daylight is my resistance, so numb and full of hesitation.

I am the wolf’s sound, I wander in unbound.

When the flesh and blood has been found, peacefulness of night is profound.

And there goes the death of her

Taking her lifetime pledge burying under

Her grave.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Lessons taken from secretary training.

After I followed the secretary training for the past three days [August 12-14], I have learnt two things about secretarial matters besides networking, getting so dramatically sleepy and making 3 cups of coffee per day [step aside the main work of secretary, I’ve known it already]:
  1. Boss can do NO wrong.
  2. If boss does wrong thing, please take a look at rule number one.

Uhuh, I think I got that!

*rolling eyes*


Friday, August 08, 2008

What's with 080808?

Biasa aja gituh. It’s just a series of number, though.

There will be 090909, 101010, 111111, 121212

So what...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

2 Girls 1 Cup

On the second sight, it wasn't that horrible. Moreover, it's a piece of cake. I've seen worse than this movie


Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Saya SAD-ih.

Saya tidak bisa lagi merasa sedih dalam kesedihan.

Saya SAD-ih.

Saya melihat sedih-sedih itu bersedih pada saya.

Mereka bergumul sedih mengetahui saya tidak bersedih.

Saya SAD-ih.

Atas segala fatamorgana dunia yang menyedihkan bercengkerama bersama jiwa saya dengan nada sedih.

Atas segala kebajikan dan dosa yang saya lakukan yang bersedih atas saya, yang terlihat tidak bersedih melakukan mereka semua.

Atas segala luka, noda dan goresan yang saya buat bersama sedih tanpa kesedihan melingkupi jiwa saya.

Saya SAD-ih.

Sedih tak bersedih untuk saya lagi, mereka bosan bersedih untuk saya, mereka pikir saya menyedihkan.

Maka sedihlah saya, atas ketidaksedihan saya melihat sedih yang bersedih karena saya menyedihkan.


Photo of & Edited by: Die