Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Perfect Fit

An unstable man suffering from horrific nightmares discovers that his terror has just begun when he meets the woman of his dreams in director Ron Brown's terrifying psychological thriller. When the sun sets and the moon spreads its cool blue glow across the peaceful nightscape, John Totersohn's mind takes him to deeply frightening places. Soon after a series of sessions with a skilled psychologist begins to calm John's restless visions, the haunted man successfully courts a woman named Sarah into a tentative relationship with a little help from his good looks and his boyish charm. Thrust into a world of rage and anger upon discovering that Sarah is pregnant with his child, John then attempts to pull himself together long enough to propose to Sarah and set his life straight. It's all too little too late, though, and after humiliating Sarah in front of her family and friends, degrading her sexually, and tightening his grip on her to the point of suffocation, Sarah soon reveals that she has aborted the baby and wishes to make a clean break from the relationship. The only thing that has broken, however, is John's mind. Now convinced that his doctor and former fiancée have joined forces in a conspiracy to drive him mad, John offers living proof that no matter how well you may thing that you know someone, you never truly understand them until their absolute worst comes boiling to the surface. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide [taken from www.moviefone.com]


It's been my weirdness to loving sick and twisted movie, LOLS. One of them is this movie: A Perfect Fit. The movie tells about a twisted boy named John who has a childhood trauma about his sexually abusive father that makes him scared to involved physically with anyone, even his own girlfriend. till one day he met this girl named Sarah. He tried so hard to make this relationship works with Sarah, and it finally did work out. He fell to Sarah and so dis her to him. But then the nightmare starts; Sarah's pregnant and John's possessive attitude even made everything worse. Sarah knows that something is wrong with him. One crazy scene is when John breaks through Sarah's room at night and harshly "do" Sarah, while her parents are in the next room! That was bloody insane! heheheh...
John also has a psychologist who always helps him get through his hard times if his trauma blows into surface again. But there are times when John crazily imagine that he killed his psychologist by cutting off her head [I can see the blood! Ow God that was sexy! hahaha...], and he himself get shocked by the fact that he often had that kind of sick imagination.
By the time Sarah asked him to leave coz of her getting even more afraid of his attitude, things got worse and out of hand. John's getting abusive to Sarah and his psychologist. He even tried to kill them both.
How it goin to be? Hehehe... watch this movie by urself then... ;)


Thursday, November 22, 2007

License to Wed

'License to Wed' follows newly engaged Ben Murphy (John Krasinski) and his fiancée, Sadie Jones (Mandy Moore), who has always dreamed of getting married in a traditional wedding at her family church. The problem is St. Augustine's only has one wedding slot available in the next two years, and its charismatic pastor, Reverend Frank (Robin Williams), won't bless Ben and Sadie's union until they pass his patented, foolproof marriage-prep course. Through outrageous classes, outlandish homework assignments and some pious manipulation, Ben and Sadie are about to find out if they really have what it takes to make it to the altar... and live happily ever after. [taken from http://movies.aol.com/movie/license-to-wed/25736/synopsis]


Film ini lucu! Sweet banget! Nyeritain tentang bagaimana satu pasangan Ben-Sadie harus ngejalanin serangkaian tes untuk nguji kesiapan mereka untuk menikah. Mentornya ga lain adalah si kocak Robin Williams. Bener2 ngocok perut banget deh, karena tes-tes yang musti dijalanin tuh aneh2 banget, ga masuk akal. No wonder dari mulai Ben-Sadie masih adem ayem aja ngikutin tes itu sampe si Ben jengah sendiri sama Reverend Frank – terutama karena Frank bikin aturan no sex before honeymoon yang bikin Ben harus gigit jari telen ludah tiap dia pengen “begituan” sama Sadie, hahaha… [coz they have this domestic relationship] – sampe dia niat banget nyari “borok”nya Frank supaya bisa jatuhin Frank, karena Ben sebel banget sama Frank & nuduh Frank jadi biang kerok memburuknya hubungan dia dengan Sadie dengan kedok seorang mentor pernikahan. Bener aja, puncaknya saat sehari sebelum pernikahan, di gereja saat gladi resik pernikahan, Sadie mutusin buat membatalkan pernikahan karena mereka berantem hebat lagi disana dan Sadie “ngungsi” ke luar negeri untuk menenangkan diri.

Mandy Moore looks sooo damn sweet here! [love her acting on the scene rather than Jessica’s. Ukkhh, she looks more like a whore to me…], and John Krasinski? Hohoho…the new hottie one, lol

Pengen ketawa, tonton aja… refreshing!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Beauty is natural

Dunno why but I’m in a very bad mood to put make-up when goin to work. It’a been 3 days since I let my face plain without any “bling-bling” at my face.

Many people got noticed in my you-look-so-pale face when they stare at my face,

“what’s with your eyes? Are u sick?” that would be the first question I get from them. Yeah, I do have these asian-slanted eyes I inherit from my mom. I just put some mascara in it and they say that actually I have a pair of beautiful eyes that I don’t have to hide them with my bold eye-liner, and that I look prettier like this.

And yeah, sometimes be natural is even more beautiful. I feel that too, and somehow recently I feel so comfy to let my face plain like this. Somehow I feel fresher than usual.

Beauty is natural… agree! For now, dunno bout tomorrow, though *giggle*

“We can see whether that woman has the real beauty or not by looking at her face straightly after she wakes up from her sleep” [a friend of mine]

You think?


Weekend kemarin...

Weekend kemarin tuh emang NGGA BANGET deh! Sabtu siang jam1.30-an gw udh kinclong berat mo ke Blok.M janjian sama vokalis gw, Rince, untuk latian di daerah Joglo seperti biasa jam.5 sore. Sampe Blok.M Rince belum datang, jadilah gw ngemil french fries dulu di McD sendirian

. Tiba2 sms dari Rince datang dan bilang maaf krn motornya masih di pake suaminya dan suaminya blm sampe rumah juga. Si mami udah ngamuk2 di sms gw dengan bahasa yang gw yakin kalian ga akan mau denger [huehehehe…]. Gw coba untuk nyabarin dia dan wishing moga2 lakinya cepet balik. 15 menit, 30 menit sampe 45 menit [dan french fries gw udah habis..] dia blm juga nongol batang idungnya. Tiba-tiba


Bunyi geledek kenceng banget sampe gw terkaget2, ternyata gw sukses bengong selama beberapa menit sampe ga notice kalo langit diluar udah gelap banget [band gw banget dah pokoknya! Halahh…]. Gw sms Rince untuk sekedar ngingetin kalo cuaca udah threatening banget, dan dia baru aja mau jalan dr rumahnya. Ga sampe 15 menit ujan deres sama angin kenceng udah turun. Alhasil Rince keujanan, basah kuyup. Dan kita ga jadi latian [sedangkan temen2 band gw yang lain udah sampe studio dengan selamat, huff!!]. akhirnya temen2 band gw latian tanpa vokalis [mana mereka bilang damai sejahtera banget lagi ga dengerin bacot2nya 2 vokalis gendeng, rese bener emang jadi temen band. Ga suportif banget! Hehehe…]

Akhirnya kita Cuma menghangatkan diri di Ayam Bakar Ganthari belakang Blok.M Plaza nunggu ujan reda, after ujan agak redaan Rince nganterin gw balik sampe Arion dan dari sana gw lanjutin perjalanan ngangkot sendiri sampe Gading [nasib dah!]. sampe rumah jam 7 malem, kedinginan, basah kuyup, capek pastinya, dan NGGA JADI LATIAN!

Hari minggunya gw udah janjian sama temen kantor gw untuk pergi bareng ke resepsi temen diMasjid PLN duren tiga. Kita janjian di Dunkin
Donuts mampang prapatan situ jam.11-an. Sesuai janji, jam.11 gw udah nangkring manis di Dunkin dengan segelas kopi susu. 10 menit, 15 menit, 30 menit… temen gw itu [Nancy] belum juga nongol [Gosh, waiting is the worst thing ever imagine deh!!], dia sms katanya stuck kena macet [Even hari minggu gitu loh. Jakarta makin ga terselamatkan nih!]. and u know what time she arrived? Jam.12 teng! Pas 1 jam gw nunggu dia [Gila loe Cyy..!!], padahal pestanya temen gw mulai dr jam.10-an sampe jam12.30, otomatis kita cm punya waktu 30menit lagi sebelum diusir dari pesta [dan yang pasti ga kenyang krn smua makanan pasti udah ludess!]. bener aja, pas masuk gedung,

“Lho lho lho… Kok pelaminan kosong mba?” gw nanya ke Nancy, ternyata sang pengantin udah turun dari pelaminan dan udah gabung sama tamu2 VIP yang lain untuk makan. Bused deh, beneran udah penghabisan banget nyampe sana! Akahirnya cuma sempet foto2 bentar, ngobrol2 sama temen2 kantor yang msh bertahan dengan tabahnya disana [thanks guys udah nungguin kita, hiks… we love you all!! Muachh, tanda tangannya besok2 aja ya! Huehehehe…]. Jam.1 kurang gw & Nancy cabut ke Sensi, gw janjian sama temen gw yang lain [Windy from Provoke!] untuk hadir ke pesta nikahannya Bounty [Bassist of Purgatory] dan Diella [ex. Drummer of Zala & current Drummer of Amidala]. Ternyata eh ternyata, si doi minta disamperin ke kosannya di Kb.Jeruk [Pliss deh Wind! Kalo ga inget gw sayang ma elo tuh yee!!], untung taxi pake voucher, kalo ga mah gw ogah dari Sensi ke Kb.Jeruk trus lanjut ke Ciledug [tempat resepsi]. Mana rumahnya di ujung berung banget lagi, sempet nyasar ke nikahan orang lain [ahahahaha… geblek!]. sampe sana udah jam2.30, tamu udah sepiiii… orang pertama yang gw liat batang idungnya si Bang Didi [vokalis], pas masuk kedalam rumah baru gw ktemu the rest of the Purgatory’s, cuma Amor yang ga ada krn ternyata dia udah balik kerumahnya [pengantin baru payah nih, masih sore udah ga nahan aja pengen deket2 bini, huehehehe…]. Habis dr tempat resepsi sempet main ke Mayang [Markas Purgatory] sebentar, habis itu gw harus terus lanjut ke Grogol janjian sama Oom gw untuk ngambil titipan dari nyokap dikampung [Look, dari jaman puasa sampe mau taun baruan gini nyokap masih betah dikampung! Mommy!!!!], magrib baru gw bisa balik kerumah, naik busway, penuh, untungnya ga pake macet [kalo macet juga.. !@#$%^&*]

Sampe rumah jam.7-an. Tepar setepar2nya umat. Untung disogok sama bokap pake sate padang 1 porsi gede, yang tadinya mulut udah bertekuk langsung melebar lagi…


Eh, mandi dulu ding! Sometimes suka kelupaan mandi kalo udah ktemu kasur, hihihi… [sin admission]


Almost dead.

The water was obstructed the cold air surround her that it successfully witnessed the dreadful tragedy in that never-ending nebulous blackened night she went through. This astute beast spasmed on the cold floor like the most contemptible thing ever imagined, mourning for a second more of twisted hope to her Lord. In that very critical time, a series of vivid pictures took her back endways and slapped her the hardest that she tried to breathe even more powerful yet more painful than before. She wasn't ready yet, for knowing that she won't gain the best from the worst, or maybe she deserves not of it. She wasn't ready yet, for knowing that her chance has stopped ever since she yelled about something she did, while the fact is she didn't. And there’re neither exits nor unlocked doors to make her out from the ghosts of sin that have been haunting her for the past five-time evolutions, she plays dead till it comes closer to her, literally…

The air and the water finally compromised with her avaricious demand.

“I WANNA LIVE LONGER! Even if I have to stay a beast for the rest of my condemned fvckin life....!!”

Then they let her back to the veritably thing rotating in one spot in the middle of the unlimited space of mystery...

Written on Nov 6, 2007

..Almost dead..


Going twenty three... Happy Birthdew!!

Make a wish









*blow candles*

// November 15, 2007 -- 00.00 am -- Iwed’s bedroom \\

Monday, November 05, 2007

Spiderman atau Scorpion?

Biasanya dikantor gw tiap 2 minggu sekali bunga-bunga penghias di ruang tunggu [lobby depan] selalu diganti dan pasti selalu ada temanya. Kaya selama dua minggu kemarin tema kali itu adalah Halloween so vas bunganya berbentuk Halloween pumpkin gitu, bertepatan sama Halloween day tgl. 31 Oktober kemarin

Terus hari ini agen bunganya dateng lagi buat ganti bunga nya. Setelah gw dan beberapa teman kantor perhatiin, bentuk bunganya itu persis banget kaya laba-laba. Gw sampe wondering sendiri, "Emang temanya awal November ini apaan ya sampe bentuk bunganya kaya laba-laba gini?", dari tadi pagi sampe menjelang makan siang gw tetep ga bisa nebak kira2 temanya apa.

Pas udah jam makan siang salah satu temen kantor gw mau turun cari makan & dia liat bunga "spiderman" itu, trus tiba2 dia nyeletuk,
"Oh, bunga nya lucu banget! Hari ini temanya Scorpio ya?"
Dalam hati gw bingung, apa hubungannya laba-laba sama Scorpio? Akhirnya gw ga tahan juga mau tanya,
"Emang hubungannya Scorpio sama laba-laba apaan mba?"
"Lho, siapa bilang ini laba-laba?"
"He?... emang menurut mba bunganya mirip apaan?"
"Ini sih scorpion Wed, kalajengking..."
"Hah??!!" gw jawab sambil terus periksa2 bunga ini.

Ah engga ah! pikir gw, masa kalajengking begini bentuknya? Cuma emang, kalaupun maksudnya mau niruin laba-laba, bentuknya emang ganjil juga sih...

Menurut loe, laba-laba apa kalajengking ya?